Multiculturele Vergaderingen Phuket

Multiculturele Vergaderingen Phuket

In handling a multicultural meeting in Phuket, planning, communicatie, en culturele sensitiviteit zijn erg belangrijk. Afhankelijk van het onderwerp of de locatie van de vergadering, de diversiteit van culturen wordt voorgesteld door de aanwezigen.

Zeer weinig event planners alles kan omgaan met een cliënt nodig heeft. Wij zijn niet de typische Phuket Wedding and Events Planner. People hire us because they want a wedding or their event that stands apart from the rest. Onze klanten zijn gek-drukke professionals die afhankelijk zijn van ons om hun planningsproces stress-vrij te maken, en om te ontdekken wat zal hun dag een unieke special. Wij maken het ontwerp en de planning eenvoudig voor onze klanten – en eenvoudig is niet makkelijk. Onze passie en toewijding aan uitstekende professionele werk bieden overtreft ze allemaal. Achter het werk dat we leveren is een organisatie of excellence, creativiteit en communicatie. Visit our website

In order to meet expectations, and other factors including travel schedules and language barriers, the following 5 steps can be taken into consideration:


  1. Disseminate meeting information well in advance


Due to the barriers in language, hand-outs, agendas, as well as presentations need to be distributed in advance so that the attendees of the event can fully understand and review the items early on, reaching out if they have concerns or questions on aspects that they do not understand.


  1. For multi-day meetings, avoid packing too much in one day

vergadering phuket


Keep in mind that some in attendance may experience jet lag after traveling far. Daarom, the event should be kept low-key and simple, especially for the first day. This will give your participants enough time for adjusting, and recharging before dealing with major initiatives.

meetings phuket

  1. Make sure to set clear expectations


This is not just talking about the goals and purpose of the said meeting, but also when it comes to schedule. Diversity has it that some cultures view promptness as very important. Daarom, you can set proper expectations in your announcements in order to set the right tone for the meeting agenda.jaarlijkse corporate event

  1. Present a variety in the menu


Opnieuw, this has something to do with the diversity of the culture in the attendance. Ensure that the food and drinks that you serve consider cultural differences, taboos, and preferences into consideration. This also applies to the use of alcohol. Als dat mogelijk is, you can offer both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages appropriately. Ook, you may want to make sure that the words you use in referring to certain food offered are safe for all cultures. Bijvoorbeeld, you may want to avoid the use of ‘cocktail hour’ which may have an implication that drinking is expected.


  1. Introduce local culture


Since you are dealing with multicultural individuals in attendance, it is a good chance for you to highlight your local culture. Aside from the meeting itself, those in attendance would certainly want to learn more about the culture of the host city. This can be presented through the food included in the menu, event themes, as well as off-site excursions. All you have to do is to ensure that aside from the meeting proper, you also prepare other destinations that can give the attendance a good opportunity to explore the rest of the city.

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By making sure that the steps included above are followed accordingly, you can be assured not just of a successful multicultural meeting, but also of a very fun one which can certainly entertain the attendees the right way.
