{Planer-Vlog} Häufig vergessene Dinge mit Hochzeits-RSVP-Tracking-Tipps

Today we are going to be talking about the Hochzeitseinladung tips – RSVP card. There are a few things that are commonly forgotten with the RSVP tracking. Are you the same? Let’s follow Tricia to check how our planner to chat about that.

{Hochzeitsplaner- Tricia Bachewich}

Hi! Ich bin Tricia, der leitende Planer und Inhaber von Tricia Bachewich Events, ein Boutique-Unternehmen für Hochzeitsplanung in Winnipeg, die gegründet wurde in 2016.



{Vlog- Commonly Forgotten Things with RSVP Tracking}

Hochzeitseinladungen im Video erwähnt: EWIM012

{Details zu Vlog}

Hallo allerseits! Today we are going to be talking about the Wedding invitation RSVP card. There are a few things that are commonly forgotten with the RSVP tracking, so let’s chat about that.

#Tips 1

When you send out your RSVP cards, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone will be sending these back to you at the same time.

  • Stay organized and put those RSVP’s directly into a spreadsheet, so they don’t get lost. It will make things easier for you when you are looking to make place cards zu.
  • Create a column for their RSVP, their dietary requirements and their meal choices.

Your future self will thank you for all of this organization!

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#Tips 2

Don’t DIY your Hochzeits Einladung, don’t try to make them totally on your own. They will not withstand the elements, especially if you live in a colder climate like we do.

It will save you time & money to order these professionally, and elegant invites has so many affordable options.

{Planer-Vlog} 5 Essential but Overlooked Wedding Invitation Tips


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