Cette fleuriste californienne a choisi de magnifiques tons aériens pour son mariage d'été

The florals at this Carmel Mountain Ranch Estate were EVERYTHING! Modern Bouquet created an airy garden feel for the bride (elle-même fleuriste) and groom with delicate blooms in muted, neutral shades and subtle hints of blush and honey. These sweethearts paid homage to their heritage with their ceremony, opting to have a mass filled with Filipino traditions at the stunning Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala. The beautiful day ended with a vibrant night, planned by RBCO Events, which included a bride-brother hip hop dance and the most delectable mini donuts by Donut, Bonjour. Stop by the galerie complète, capturé par Amy Golding, to be delighted by the sweet ambiance and all the playful details!

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