Little Details That’ll Make a Major Impact on Your Wedding Photos

Props!Have props ready! Props could be sunglasses, 線香花火, champagne coupes, a bride jean jacket or whatever items that will make your personality and style come through your wedding pictures. Props can be a really fun addition to add.—Sarah Alouache, クリエイティブディレクター, デザイナー & の創設者 サラ・アルアッシュ・ブライダル

happily ever after wedding jean jacket
写真: Megan Simpson Photography 経由 Right as Rayne Events

Prepare a list first. “作る list of wedding photos that you absolutely want to take! These are must-have pictures that you would love to have on your wedding day and share them in advance with your photographer.—Alouache

Bridal accessories are key.Make sure that you accessorize your look with a few pieces of jewelry/accessories/shoes that accentuate your wedding day style.—Alouache

ペット!If you have furry furball friends, include them in your pictures! They are so loveable that they will put a smile on everybody’s face! プラス, they will make your photos the cutest ever.—Alouache

dog in wedding
写真: Jeremy Chou Photography

Have your favorite music ready to go.Sometimes it could be hard to relax and enjoy your day. One of our tips is to have one of your bridal party friends bring a portable music device playing all of your favorite songs! This will undoubtedly help put everyone in the mood to have a great time and have fun while taking pictures.—Alouache

Be ready for the unexpected! “A rainy day, dress getting dirty or something that goes unplanned. Don’t stress too much about it, and go with the flow. Not everything needs to be perfect, and remember that the most beautiful things and moments come from imperfection.” —Alouache

Coordination is key!You’ve selected the friends and family you want by your side on your wedding day, so now let’s make sure those wedding party pictures look amazing. One thing that will throw off the look is when something doesn’t match. 例えば, if you choose to go with navy suits, and one of your groomsman swears he already has a great navy suit, that might not work. If it’s a different shade of navy, he’ll stick out like a sore thumb. Make sure you coordinate everyone in the same suits and tuxedos from the same place. また, you can add unique accessories to make those pictures look uniquely you. Coordinate the ties and pocket squares with the flowers or bridesmaids dresses, or get all the guys in fun matching socks. Small details go a long way to make those pictures extra special.” —マット・ラミレス, マーケティング担当上級副社長, ジェネレーションタックス

groom and groomsmen
写真: Trish.E Photography

Take time for touch-ups.If you plan on hiring professional makeup artists and hair and wardrobe stylists, add in the contracts that these pros stay through the preplanned formal photos to address any makeup and styling touch ups. Minimizing shine, taming unruly hair, and ensuring the perfect fit will level up your wedding photos.—Maya Holihan, 創設者 & 最高経営責任者(CEO), EWedded

Pay attention to the sunset.Ask your wedding photographer about the infamous golden hour — the period shortly before sunset that’s prime time to take glowing outdoor wedding photos. あなたのタイムラインに組み込む価値は間違いなくあります!” —ジェナミラー, のクリエイティブディレクター ここにガイドが来る

wedding sunset photo
写真: ミシェル・ザパンタの写真

結婚式の衣装に素敵なハンガーを持っていきましょう. “ほとんどの結婚式の写真家はあなたのウェディングドレスやスーツの写真を撮ります, 着る前に、絵のように美しい環境の前でその栄光を満喫しましょう. 改造店で購入したものと同じワイヤーと透明なプラスチックのハンガーを使用しないように注意してください。! 豪華なサテンやカスタムモノグラムのハンガーも素敵なアクセントになるでしょう。” —ミラー

wedding dress hanger
写真: LisetteOC写真

最初のキスの際は、司会者にフレームから外に出るようにお願いしてください。. “結婚式の司会者が経験豊富なプロでない限り、, 「今から新郎/新婦にキスしてもいいよ」の後に’ 指令, 彼らは写真家のショットの中心にぎこちなくぶら下がっている可能性があります. 理想的ではありません! Remind your officiant to get out of the frame ASAP to let your photographer capture that perfect ‘first kissmoment.” —ミラー

wedding first kiss
写真: Brinton Studios

Check for little unwanted details!There are a few details that you can focus on during your wedding day that will help you create the perfect wedding photos. They’re simple but they make a huge difference in how your once in a lifetime memories are captured. Once the bride (そして新郎) are done getting ready it’s so important to check your wrists for any hair elastics. 私を信じて, you don’t want to look back at the photos captured on one of the happiest days of your life and have something on your wrist that does not go with your bridal look.—Lisette Gatliff, LisetteOC写真

Request an unplugged ceremony.The next detail is one that more and more engaged couples are planning on utilizing because of its importance during the moment that you and your partner finally say ‘I do.An unplugged wedding ceremony is not only important to make sure that your wedding vows are uninterrupted but to also make sure that there aren’t cell phones ruining your wedding photos. Before your wedding ceremony you should communicate with your officiant to step aside quietly so that they are not in the middle of the photos of your first kiss as husband and wife. 再び, it’s a small detail that makes an enormous difference in the outcome of your wedding photos.—Gatliff

unplugged wedding ceremony advice
写真: Jessica Williams Studio,

Emphasize the small details.Small details like 照明 can make the biggest difference in the outcome of your wedding photos, so planning your wedding timeline in advance is crucial. その方法, you know when you want certain moments captured, and this will not only give you less stress but beautiful photos as well. It’s always so much fun to bring props to your wedding day; champagne to spray, sparklers to light, and even confetti or flower petals to throw into the air. Bringing a prop helps bring some life to your photos and not to mention it’s so much fun for everyone! Your wedding day is going to be a busy day, and your makeup and hair most likely will need some touch-ups to look camera ready all day so it’s a good idea to pack a ‘touch-up bagwith things like bobby pins or Q-tips.—Gatliff

リラックス!This might seem a little silly, but take a second to relax. As amazing and heartwarming it is to tie the knot with the love of your life, it also comes with nerves at times. Take a second to relax if you need to so that those nerves don’t come across onto your wedding photos. This last detail applies to the raw memories captured during the reception, 儀式, and other parts of your wedding day. Avoid looking directly into the camera throughout the day and focus on making real moments for your photographer to capture of you and your partner. It’s your wedding day and your photographer’s job is to make sure that your candid moments are captured. This is why it’s so important to hire a photographer that you trust to capture this big day for you. Follow these small details to make a big impact in your wedding day photos.—Gatliff

Don’t over-practice.It’s definitely helpful to practice your wedding dance or walking in your wedding shoes, but don’t over practice for your wedding photos! It can actually end up making your photos feel stiff or unnatural if you’re focusing too hard on ‘the perfect smile.’ その代わり, try standing in front of a mirror and practicing a few simple poses or checking to see which angles you prefer. Once you’ve got it down, just trust that your photographer will ensure you look your very best on the big day!” —AJウィリアムズ, 創設者 & クリエイティブディレクター, AJイベント

bride and groom kissing
写真: Miiel Photographe / ドレス: サラ・アルアッシュ・ブライダル
