私たちのお気に入りの結婚式 2021

EAPWでの12月は、最も壮大なもののいくつかを切り上げて1年を締めくくるのが好きです。, 心から, そして私たちと私たちのベンダーが一年中見た楽しい結婚式, それらが入ってくるすべての形とサイズで. そして, 良い, 言うまでもなく最近, 結婚式はこれまで以上に多くの形とサイズで来ています.

そして、私たちはそのためにここにいます. 私たちは10年間、自分自身に忠実であり続け、コミュニティとの愛を祝うことを説教してきました。 (どんな形でも) 最も重要なのは. そして、過去2年間で私たちに示されていることがあるとすれば、パンデミックが吹き飛ばされて他のすべてのものが取り除かれるか、またはそれが本当に良いものと混ざり合うとき、これら2つのことが本当にあなたに残されているものです.

そして、それはあなたがそれらと素晴らしい結婚式をすることができないということではありません-まったく反対です. これらの写真を見て、その背後にある物語を聞く, 計画プロセスが彼らに投げかけたすべてのパンデミックフープを同時に飛び越えながら、人々が引き離した純粋な豪華さと叙事詩に私は驚かされました.

そして、本当に驚くべきことではありません, それがAPWカップルが長い間知られていることだからです. 長年のAPWスポンサーとしてのジェシカゴールドブラット ダイムイベントの夢 & ウェディング 言う: “Anytime we have a couple come to us through APW, we know from the start what kind of couple they are. They approach their event as a celebration, an opportunity to share a special moment with those closest to them. It’s a chance to get together to enjoy each other’s company, to share the joy the couple feels themselves. They make it a point to have the day really reflect their personalities, even if that means throwing some wedding traditions out the window.”

So without further ado, let’s get into it. Here are some of the most amazing weddings of 2021 brought to you by some of our favorite APW wedding vendors:

WHO: リンジー & ジェフリー | WHERE: LOS ANGELES, CA | PLANNER: 灰色の出来事以外なら何でも [INSTAGRAM] | PHOTOGRAPHY: ホワイトラビットフォトブティック

Linzy and Jeff, both teachers, are probably the kindest couple I have ever worked with. Their original wedding was set to be at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel in June 2021. はるかに多くのゲストを迎え、プロポーズからサプライズ結婚式になる予定だった. Then comes COVID-19 and plans changed dramatically.

Once they knew the wedding was unable to happen on their date and location (because Disney was so longer able to host events at that time), they scrambled to find a way to still have our wedding within our desired month. They hired me and together, along with a rockstar vendor team, managed to plan their wedding in 3 months taking their original, reconfiguring it, but still incorporating Disney magic in all aspects of their special day! There were touches of hidden DL magic, sayings, and references to the famous mouse throughout the entire design. ああ, and did I mention, during the time they actually got engaged during a trip at Disneyland, kept it a secret from their families and duped them into thinking this was an engagement dinner for 30 family members when it really became their surprise wedding day?! わーい, that happened! I have to admit, during their ceremony after the BIG surprise, listening to their vows, I stood in the back of the garden at Redbird, in the middle of DTLA, and cried. I cried so many happy tears because, after such a long year of heartache, そして変化する, and stressors for these two wonderful humans (and the world), they were finally able to have their special moment with the handful of people that meant the most to them in the world. それは彼らが当初計画した方法ではありませんでした, しかし、人生で本当にそれは何ですか? 彼らはその瞬間と彼らの愛を受け入れました、そしてそれがすべてです! パンデミックが始まって以来、ウェディングプランナーとしての私の最初のイベントでした。あなたが信じている限り、魔法は本当に起こり得ること、そして夢は本当にあなたの心の願いであるということを私に思い出させる必要がありました。!

WHO: タラ + キャメロン | WHERE: ユッカバレー, CA | 写真/計画/髪 + MUA/デザイン + コーディネーション: ベイエリアベース 愛 + WOLVES CO. [INSTAGRAM]

これらの2つは、宇宙に拒絶され続けた計画の後に計画を立てました, それで彼らはついに自分たちの手で問題を解決し、家族だけで高い砂漠で駆け落ちすることにしました (そして勝利のためのヴィンテージメルセデス!)

これはLOVEでの私たちへの愛の労働でした + WOLVES CO, 会場の選択と車の調達を手伝った人, 写真, 髪 + 化粧, スタイリング + デザインと調整.


シンディ & ジェフのラブストーリーはすぐに私を魅了しました. 一番でした 2020 私が今まで聞いた話, またはおそらく聞くでしょう, そして私は本当にそれから映画を作るために誰かが必要です! シンディは入居するルームメイトを探していました, ジェフはどこかに引っ越そうとしていました. 彼らは彼らがぴったりかどうかを確かめるために集まりました、そしてそれはインスタント花火でした. ジェフは最初の会議の後で引っ越してきて、彼らは素晴らしいルームメイトになるだろうと気づきました, そしてほんの数ヶ月後、彼らは自宅で一緒に検疫していることに気づきました. 彼らの気持ちはどんどん強くなり、ついに彼らはそれらの気持ちを認め、二人はカップルになりました. 一年後, 湖畔の家で親しい友人や家族の聴衆の前で, 彼らが結婚しました!

シンディとジェフがそれぞれ準備ができたとき, 家のポーチの下を一目見ようと盗んだ, それから私たちは探検に行きました. この家にはたくさんの素晴らしいスポットがありました, 空の素晴らしい景色を望むボートドックのように, 湖, と山々と最上階の信じられないほどキュートで居心地の良い小さなフレームルーム.

彼らの式典は、夫婦の友人によって執り行われました。, そして3人はポーチの下に立ち、ゲストは上に立っていました. それはあなたが結婚式でよく見るものの一種の逆転であり、それは完璧に機能しました! 誰もが上ポーチから素晴らしい景色を眺めることができましたが、カップルはまだ自分たちだけの世界にいるような感覚を持っていました. {プラスマックス!}

その後、みんながカップルを抱き締めて祝福している間、本当に寒い時間が来ました, そして最終的にはバックポーチの低沸騰が来ました. 私は低沸騰が大好きです, 結婚式のためのとても素晴らしくてシンプルな食事です! みんなが乾杯していっぱい食べた後, ボートドックから記念提灯を放ち、夜を締めくくりました. 美しく感動的なセレモニーでした, もはや私たちと一緒にいない人々を称えるための完璧な方法.

私は写真家である限り、このコミュニティの楽しいメンバーです。, そしてそれに対する私の愛は毎年強くなります! 私の絶対的なお気に入りのカップルの何人かはAPWを介して私を見つけました、そして私はいつもカップルが私をここで見つけたと言ったときに私たちが過激な時間を過ごすだろうと知っています.

WHO: ケリー + ウェイン | WHERE: LOS ANGELES, CA | 写真撮影: ヘンドリー [INSTAGRAM]

Where do we even start with Kelly and Wayne? 初心者向け, they were just downright FUN, chill, hilarious, 素晴らしいです, lively, interesting, witty, cool AF, and all the other nice adjectives. Like so many other couples, these two had to reschedule their wedding…get this…three times! And we could tell every time they emailed us letting us know these plans that their spirits were completely dampened. This is why when it came to finally having their wedding, they made it the best day they possibly could ever imagine in their very wildest dreams. You could just feel the excitement dripping off of them, and these vibes immediately transferred over to us and we were totally hooked on the day. Capturing folks hanging together who hadn’t been in each other’s presence for so long; excitedly chatting away, 笑い, boogying, boozing, hugging, was electric. We didn’t want to leave!!! そう, in all, a very magical day that we will never forget <3 (Kelly and Wayne: please hit us up if you wanna do these shenanigans again – you know where to find us!)

WHO: 心に訴える思いやりのあるウェディングギフトのアイデア & Jeremiah | WHERE: SEATTLE, WA | 写真撮影: JONAS SEAMAN [INSTAGRAM]

Elizabeth and Jeremiah have an infectious energy that you can’t help but fall in love with. They are both a bit nerdy, a bit gorgeous, and a whole lot of soulful. When their wedding day finally came, after being cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, they let loose… safely… but ecstatically. A sign was put up that declared the days motto, “We waited an extra year for this. Party accordingly.”


Fred and Medelise’s grandkids call them “Fredelise.” – and I think that is perhaps the most precious thing I’ve ever heard EVER. “Fredelise” met at a singles surf meetup. So it was only fitting that on the morning of their wedding, M+F hit the beach for a surf-themed couples session. (You can find a timeline of my top photos from their day on my IG story highlights under “M+F.”) – I’m a huge fan of wedding photos that happen outside of the timeline of the actual wedding, because then there’s no need to step away from your party!

But this totally rad day didn’t stop here. Not even close! For their intimate backyard wedding ceremony at their home in the surf town of Matunuk, ロードアイランド, (また, SO FITTING!) the couple’s grandkids were the flower girls and ring bearers and Medelise’s son walked her down the aisle. M+F even turned their live-in camper van into a photo booth!

This wedding was truly a manifestation of M+F through and through and I think that’s one of the truest marks of a APW couple: when the couple does what they want and what feels right to them above what anyone else thinks a wedding day might look like.

In the words of both me, and the bride – “Keep it quirky!「

WHO: ERIN + PETER | WHERE: Benton Harbor, MI | VENUE: Stonegate Manor & Gardens | 写真撮影: Nicole Bates Photography

Erin and Peter actually had their wedding ceremony during last year’s pandemic. This year they had their party! The couple opted to entertain their guests outdoors under a new tent. They wanted their family and friends to still feel safe without compromising on comfort. The entire day was exactly what Erin and Peter had originally hoped for. Surrounded by their extended family and friends who could party with them late into the evening. We couldn’t have been happier to share in their joy and feel so elated to finally celebrate! We love hearing our couples feel safe and stress-free at our venue! It’s the APW vibe we stand by!


Sam and Daniela got married at sunset at Brooklyn Bridge Park overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge and the downtown Manhattan skyline. They have been together 10 years and knew it was time to make it official with their friends and family. Their wedding was full of joy and community and their faces were lit up with smiles the entire evening. After exchanging vows on the waterfront they headed to a cozy local restaurant for toasts and dinner with a Spanish guitarist providing entertainment for everyone.


Michelle and Enzo’s wedding was supposed to take place in 2020, but like so many others, got pushed into 2021. The bride and all her bridesmaids were nurses, and were going through so much with the pandemic, but stayed really positive and had a great energy… real heroes! They got married in Asheville NC, which was the perfect location for Michelle’s awesome custom gown!


My first wedding of 2021 and it was a beautiful intimate Hoboken wedding. A winter wedding with snow still on the ground and it was cold with a chilling wind. Yet Katie + Glenn braved the elements for outdoor portraits along the Hoboken waterfront. Glenn’s parents and brother live in Australia and while they couldn’t be there in person, were still able to watch and participate thanks to the wonders of technology. With a chance meeting at a hotel bar thanks to a delayed flight and a wedding during a pandemic, Katie + Glenn have quite the story to tell about their romance and I’m so happy I was able to capture a part of it.


Maneuvering your wedding during a pandemic. I’m sure that’s not anything Rebecca and Dennis had on their radar when they first starting planning their wedding in January 2020. しかし, maneuvering a pandemic was exactly what they had to do. While it sometimes seemed daunting, the couple handled the ever-changing pandemic guidelines with grace and a cool head. They were one of the lucky couples who only had to change their wedding date once but, with so many guests traveling from all over the country, trying to get a handle on how many people were coming, how things like masks and vaccines were going to be addressed, and having to adjust some of their original plans to roll with the pandemic punches made this couple a dream to work with. Fortunately, the couple was able to keep with their original venues and had a thoroughly entertaining ceremony at San Francisco City Hall followed by authentic Mexican fare at a new outdoor space in Oakland. Guests were thrilled to finally be able to get together, socialize, eat good food, and dance until late in the night. What made this couple special for us was their understanding that a pandemic wedding wasn’t like your normal pre-pandemic event. しかし, they didn’t let any of that damper the event and had smiles on their faces the entire day.

We’re so grateful to have been part of wedding planning for so many of you IN YET ANOTHER STRANGE AND STRESSFUL year. We’re also SO grateful that we’re able to keep connecting amazing vendors with amazing humans getting married. Doing that keeps so many small wedding businesses up and running—even IN the MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC. チェックアウト our Vendor Directory for more vendors like THESE. In gratitude for all of you.
