Ukochani z college'u wiążą węzeł, gdzie zaczęła się ich historia miłosna

Ukochani z college'u, Emily i Mike, postanowili uhonorować swoją macierzystą uczelnię ślubem, na którym rozpoczęła się ich historia miłosna, Matka Boska. They chose a color palette that softly played off the tones of late summer, the surrounding architecture, and of course Notre Dame gold. Kelly Lenard created stunning floral vignettes that flowed naturally throughout each space, from a show-stopping entrance to flowing pops of summer toned florals, warzywa, and candles through cocktails and dinner. The entire experience was artfully designed and planned by Krissy Campbell, who filled every moment with unique and personalized touches. As you can see through the beautifully captured photos and video from the Bon Photage team, Emily and Mike were incredibly thoughtful as they chose each detail of their celebration from beginning to end. You’ll fall in love with every moment in the pełna galeria.

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