Napa Valley Micro Nunta Plina De Dragoste, râde, Și o atingere de leopard

Îți va plăcea felul în care modelul preferat al miresei, leopard, este folosit în moduri unice și șic în această nuntă din Napa Valley. The bride had a very clear vision from the start, that planner Kelly, din A Savvy Event, brought to life. Muted with soft taupe and pink, working in leopard print, but in a chic and understated way to create a neutral aesthetic with a flair. La receptie, beautiful vines wrap interior pillars and continue across the ceiling to drape over the sweetheart table which continued the chic garden atmosphere created by Marion Moss. All of the special moments were artfully captured in the imagery by Weddings By Scott And Dana, see them all unfold in the galerie completă.

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