dan: december 30, 2021

Microweddings are Here to Stay

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The Experts

michelle cousins Michelle Cousins, lead planner + oblikovalec, Michelle Leo Events. Founded in 2010 by event planner Michelle Cousins, Michelle Leo Events is renowned for creating elegant, romantic and timeless looks with a premium on personalization. Says owner Michelle, “Out here in the Rockies, we can design a black-tie event that’s fit for a lodge in the mountains instead of an urban hotel ballroom, and still achieve the design goal of something formal with a classic, timeless flair.” After postponing over 45 weddings from 2020 do 2021, the nimble company has been summoning up its creative energy to fit two years’ worth of events into its jam-packed 2021 schedule.
mckenzi taylor McKenzi Taylor, micro-weddings expert + lastnik, Cactus Collective Weddings. For adventurous couples looking for spectacular outdoor locations off the beaten path, Cactus Collective Weddings has been their go-to wedding planner since launching in 2017. Wide-open spaces, magnificent desert skies and all the glories of nature have been part of its irresistible draw—the call of the wild! As a pioneer in the now-trending micro-wedding, Cactus Collective Weddings was perfectly poised to weather restrictions imposed by COVID-19. “We don’t skimp on tradition, romance or glamour,” says owner McKenzi Taylor. “It’s just done on a more intimate scale.”
desert wedding bride and groom
Photo courtesy of Cactus Collective

Zakaj obožujem poroke

I used to do corporate event planning, and I really love the way designing and planning weddings has given me a larger creative outlet. There’s more emotion involved,” says Michelle. She also lovesbeing able to get creative with fun details like paper suites, floral décor, lighting design, lounge furniture and a personalized guest experience.Along with her stellar team, “We love that no two events are ever the same, and we really enjoy getting to meet and work with people from all around the globe.

clear tent wedding reception
Fotografija: Heather Nan fotografija

What originally got me into weddings was photography,” says McKenzi. “I love posing couples, capturing their emotions and providing them with amazing memories.” Plus, “Vedno so me zanimale ljubezenske zgodbe ljudi,” ona nadaljuje. “Ljubezen je ena redkih stvari, ki jih lahko izberemo v življenju: koga imamo radi in zakaj.” Prav tako, McKenzie pravi, “Ljudem, ki me poznajo, se zdi zanimivo, da sem tako navdušena nad porokami, ker sem malce deklica. Vendar sem našel način, kako svoj smisel za avanturo na prostem vključiti v to, kar počnem.”

bridal bouquet
Photo courtesy of Cactus Collective

Najljubši trenutki

“Med pandemijo, ustvarili smo paket mikro in pobegov za pare, ki so se odločili pritisniti na sprožilec ne glede na število ljudi in se poročiti z malo ali nič časa za načrtovanje. Videti, kako se energija resnično premakne ob dogodku samo 25 ljudi v primerjavi z 250 zagotovo me je spremenilo v velikega oboževalca štetja intimnih gostov,” says Michelle. “Neverjetno je videti, kako par resnično uživa v kakovostnem času z vsako posamezno osebo v sobi. Ti mikro dogodki niso imeli le intimnosti, proces načrtovanja je bil res prijeten, ker ti pari niso porabili časa ali energije za pojenje majhnih stvari. Osvežujoče je bilo delati s pari, ki so bili tako veseli poroke. Z mikro porokami ali minimoniji, manjše število gostov je pomenilo, da so bili pari pripravljeni zapravljati za dražje luksuzno perilo in cvetje, ki so si ga resnično želeli, ne da bi morali toliko skrbeti za stroške.”

wedding ceremony structure
Fotografija: Megan Robinson

“Med "novo normalnostjo".’ era, biti sposoben priti skozi toliko parov, ki niso želeli odložiti svoje poroke za nedoločen čas, vendar je hotel bolj romantično, tradicionalno praznovanje kot poroka v sodišču ali kapeli je bilo tako razveseljivo,” pravi McKenzie. “To preteklo leto, smo gostili 300 mikroporoke. Številni pari so nas poiskali, ker so se odločili odpovedati svojo veliko poroko in namesto tega nadaljevati z nami. Najboljši del je, da so bili prijetno presenečeni, ko so ugotovili, da poroke, ki jih pripravljamo, niso "manj kot".’ Prav tako so posebni, romantično in nepozabno - le drugačen od tistega, kar so si prvotno predstavljali pred pandemijo. Časi izzivov nas prisilijo, da cenimo preproste radosti življenja. Mnogi naši pari so bili zaročeni dve ali tri leta, in zelo so se trudili, da bi bilo uradno. Ponudi jim lepo, postcard-like location and helping them organize special little touches made all the difference in the world for them.

outdoor wedding ceremony
Photo courtesy of Cactus Collective

desert wedding bride and groom
Photo courtesy of Cactus Collective

A Fresh Look at Micro-Weddings

“Od 2020 became the year of the micro-wedding, it really validated us as a company. We did go the extra mile to add a lot more traditional touches to our ‘new normalweddings to give couples who came to us after canceling big celebrations all of the traditions and fanfare of a larger wedding. We will continue to carry those more traditional elements into our weddings.,” says McKenzi. “We actually grew rapidly as more and more people discovered our niche. I think the best thing I did was to bring on additional people to support the business. With the extra talent and brainpower, uspeli smo rasti in se širiti v nova mesta. Zelo rada imam tudi skupnost poročnih strokovnjakov, s katerimi sodelujem. To je super, ustvarjalna skupina ljudi.”

wedding barn reception
Fotografija: Fotografija Cameron Clark

Načrtovanje v svetu po pandemiji

“Vedno smo imeli takšno infrastrukturo, ki nam omogoča poslovanje kadarkoli in s katere koli lokacije. Večina naših strank je ciljnih parov in redno nimamo možnosti izkoristiti prednosti osebnih srečanj. Tudi COVID-19 ni zares vplival ali spremenil našega načina, in bo še naprej, posel,” says Michelle.

Michelle je navdušena nad »vrnitvijo na točko v procesu načrtovanja in izvedbe, ko si lahko vsi oddahnejo in ne skrbijo, ali bodo mize 6 feet apart or whether or not a venue’s space has a max capacity [in] guests feeling comfortable being in a room together, laughing, ples, dining, and making memories.

barn wedding reception
Fotografija: Megan Robinson

wedding place setting
Fotografija: Heather Nan fotografija

What Counts Now

Customization and personalization! These themes will always translate and become a true reflection of the couple no matter the size of the event,” says Michelle. “Focusing on what truly matters will be at the heart of our main approach going forward. The rest is simply details. And while details are fun and matter to some extent, that’s not what the celebration should be about. I see guest lists, selectivity and overall guest experience taking a front seat to things like linens and tabletop rentals. As a designer, that pains me to admit, but at the end of the day, we have to be honest about what matters.

bride and groom on beach
Photo courtesy of Cactus Collective

wedding seating chart
Fotografija: Trevor Hooper

Svetlejši dnevi pred nami

“Zdaj, ko svet vidi mikro poroke v novi luči, veselimo se, da bomo prva izbira para, ponovno, namesto da bi delali s številnimi paničnimi nevestami, ki so prišle k nam, ker so morale preklicati svoje prvotne načrte,” says McKenzi. “Toliko parov nam je povedalo, da je bilo tako olajšanje in tako izjemno, da so svoj poseben dan polepšali z manjšo poroko.. Sumim, da s tem premikom v zavesti, vse več parov bo šlo v mikro.”

bride and groom kiss
Fotografija: Heather Nan fotografija

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