{Planer Vlog} Nasveti za načrtovanje poroke o vnaprejšnjem plačilu vaših prodajalcev

Zavedamo se, kako težko je lahko načrtovati poroko, and we wanted to give you another wedding planning tip to make it just a bit easier, which is to pre-pay all of your vendors! Let our professional wedding planner tricia tell us why pre-pay all of your vendors will make wedding easier.

{Načrtovalka porok- Tricia Bachewich}

zdravo! Jaz sem Tricia, glavni načrtovalec in lastnik Tricia Bachewich Events, butično podjetje za načrtovanje porok v Winnipegu, ki je bila ustanovljena v 2016.



{Vlog- Nasveti za načrtovanje poroke o vnaprejšnjem plačilu vaših prodajalcev}

Poročna vabila, omenjena v videu: EWWS299

{Podrobnosti o Vlogu}

Hi Guys! My name is Tricia, I am the owner and lead planner of Tricia Bachewich Events.

Zavedamo se, kako težko je lahko načrtovati poroko, and we wanted to give you another tip to make it just a bit easier!

Our pro tip for today is to pre-pay all of your vendors.

There are a lot of vendors that will allow you to pay on the wedding day, but your day will fly by in the blink of an eye. Če je možno, pay all of your vendors pre-wedding day, so it’s one less thing that you will have to worry about.

Here are two big reasons:

#1 Things will be scheduled well

All of your time on the wedding day will be accounted for in some way shape or form and if you are not available to your vendors on the wedding day, you are wasting your hard earned time with them!

You don’t want to spend 5 minutes here, in 5 minutes there finding your cheque book or sending an e-transfer.

#2 More time for guests and yourself

You should be spending your extra time visiting with your guests and relaxing, rather than trying to find your purse or cheque book multiple times throughout the day.

# Nazadnje Recommendation- Glitter Poroka Vabila

stunning champagne glittery laser cut wedding invitation with gold mirror paper and ivory ribbon EWWS299 2


Omenjena poročna vabila

stunning champagne laser cut wedding invitation ewws299

Glitter wedding invitations

Kliknite za naročilo

timeless ivory laser cut classic invitation with 10Poročna vabila iz folije
Kliknite za naročilo
luxury rose gold laser cut wedding invites ewts038 1 2Elegantna poročna vabila
Kliknite za naročilo

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