天: 十一月 18, 2021

5 我們喜愛的全新婚紗

-正如所見 新娘指南雜誌-


穿上一件讓人想起攝政時代浪漫的禮服,時光倒流. 無肩帶, 迷你提花美人魚高腰緞面腰帶, 關於 $5,000, 和戲劇性的天皇斗篷, 關於 $2,500, 經過 維克多&羅爾夫婚禮. 綠色流蘇耳環 Mahrukh Akuly 珠寶. 緞面手套 好看的. 三石訂婚戒指 克里斯托弗設計. 牆紙壁畫由 啟發裝飾.

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輕盈飄逸的連衣裙營造出一種輕盈飄逸的感覺. 露肩真絲米卡多 A 字連衣裙,飾以手工串珠荷葉邊薄紗罩層, 關於 $3,190, 經過 維德霍夫. 水晶綴飾頭帶 詹妮弗·貝爾. 密釘耳環和戒指 Mahrukh Akuly 珠寶.

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柔和的色調令人難忘. 藍色薄紗 A 字型,帶褶飾衣身, 內衣肩帶和施華洛世奇水晶, 關於 $3,990, 和夾克風格的泡沫罩裙, 關於 $1,990, 經過 伊內斯·迪·桑托 (Ines Di Santo).

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選擇別緻的, 意想不到的單件套. 褶皺衣身抹胸羊毛連身褲, 荷葉腰腰和修身褲, 關於 $800, 經過 美國. 帶有真絲蝴蝶結和淚珠水晶的彈力網狀緊身連衣褲 維德霍夫. 水晶耳環 by 大衛的新娘. 訂婚戒指 克里斯托弗設計. 裝飾緞面高跟鞋 加林娜簽名. 花束由 農家女花.

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設計師大膽採用大膽的蕾絲圖案. 黑色蕾絲貼花刺繡亮片薄紗魚尾禮服, 心形領口, illusion bateau back 和 semi-Cathedral 火車, 關於 $2,500, 經過 月光. 黑色花卉頭帶 詹妮弗·貝爾. 不對稱單側耳環 by 瑪麗亞埃琳娜頭飾. 戒指和手鐲由 Mahrukh Akuly 珠寶. 三石訂婚戒指 克里斯托弗設計.

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時尚編輯: 凱拉海耶斯
藝術指導: 瑪麗·凱特·戈弗雷
攝影: 特里·道爾
頭髮 & 化妝: Michiko Boorberg 為 Bryan Bantry 使用 Oribe 護髮產品

特別感謝 The Inspire Decor 令人驚嘆的手工製作, 可移動乙烯基即剝即貼花卉壁畫. Inspire Decor 提供獨特的, 使用優質材料製成的易於使用和可定制的紙張,可以粘附在多個表面上. 防水乙烯基使用乳膠油墨,提供豐富的, 明亮大膽的無毒設計. 訪問他們的在線商店 etsy.com/shop/theinspiredecor. 刷新, 使用這些易於安裝的壁紙更新和重置.

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雖然有些情侶把見面當作重點 重要日子的儀式, 他們在祭壇上相遇的那一刻非常特別. 但在這令人緊張的時刻,新郎的腦袋裡到底在想什麼?, 情感時刻?

這個問題是由用戶向 Reddit 社群提出週三的 我知道的藉口. 她寫了, “我和我的伴侶將於今年稍後結婚, 我很緊張他會討厭這件衣服, 儀式, 或者更糟, 改變主意並可能考慮跑遠, 離這很遠. 當你第一次見到你的新娘時你有什麼想法?”

數十名 Reddit 用戶透露了當他們的新娘出現在過道盡頭時他們的想法. 閱讀下面的一些最佳回复; 然後, 在評論中告訴我們: 做了什麼 想想當你第一次見到你的新娘時?

照片來源: 朱莉艾琳攝影

1. “聖$%#@, 這是真實發生的, 男人。” “天哪,她很漂亮, 我怎麼會這麼幸運?” “等待, 她爸爸在哭嗎? 我希望那是喜悅的淚水… 哦, 上帝, 他是不是暗地裡恨我? 他認為我們犯了錯嗎? 請不要讓他在儀式中說任何話…” “好的, 現在她在這裡, 握住她的手, 不要出汗… 該死的, 棕櫚樹, 停止出汗!” — FerdThePenguinGuy

2. “她是我唯一看到的東西,直到我們轉身作為已婚夫婦一起走回過道. 她很漂亮. 那一刻我知道我是世上最幸運的人。” — cinnamon_christ

3. “我實在想不出. 我只是充滿敬畏地凝視並嘗試 (讀: 失敗的) 不要像嬰兒一樣哭泣。” — 雙唇

4. “最初的幾分鐘大部分時間都是一片陰霾,但我清楚地記得當時我想我笑得像個白痴,我應該對她的父母說些什麼,但我能想到的只是她看起來有多漂亮。” —WTFOutOfUserNames

5. “我哭了,非常緊張,我要把事情搞砸. 然後她看起來如此美麗,我就像該死的我做了正確的選擇。” — Canyoudigitsucka

6. “我的確切想法是『天哪,她看起來像個電影明星。’ 我的第二個想法是“天哪,她會摔倒在通往露台的鬆動的石頭上。”” — 德金麥吉

7. “說實話,我真的只是想尿尿。” —wywywywy

8. “沒有什麼, 沒有一件該死的事, 可能毀了我的那一刻. 我的第一個想法? ‘這確實正在發生, 非常完美。” - 沒有出口

9. “那…那是我一生中見過的最美麗的女人. 熱死了, 我們開工吧。” — mwatwe01

10. “’別從那座山上絆倒… 不要從那座山上絆倒… 該死的, 她爸爸至少不能去理髮嗎? 男人, 我討厭那傢伙. 他會在接待處喝醉酒成為問題. 但是天哪, 她很漂亮. 我希望不要下雨. 偉大的, 現在我想到了水,我有點想尿尿。’ 我有添加, 如果這有助於正確看待事情。” — 紅螺旋

11. “‘我是怎麼騙她嫁給我的?’ 其次是: '好吧, 現在走快一點. 我想結束這一切。” — 洛莫納德

12. “我贏了. 我只是覺得我生命中是否有某個時刻我擊敗了最終的老闆, 拯救了公主並獲得祝賀畫面, 就是那一刻。” — 企鵝麥克德特

13. “在我們宣誓之前我不必強忍淚水. 我不認為我的聲音沙啞, 我知道我沒有哭. 但她看得出來我快要哭了. 她告訴我她對我做鬼臉,這樣我就不會哭了, 但我沒有註意到。” — tsrtsrtsrtsr

14. “‘這是我最好的朋友, 以及與我共度餘生的女人。’ 其次是… '哦, 不. 別哭. 如果你哭了, 我要哭了. 使它保持一個整體. 唷. 好女孩。” — 中國野人

15. “我看著她,只是大聲說道, '她很漂亮。’ 當我看到她的第二眼, 緊張感消失了. 焦慮消失了. 我已經準備好了,我高興極了。” — jshield

本文原刊於 赫芬頓郵報

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The Right (and Wrong) Way to Share Your Wedding Registry

照片來源: 愛奇藝

Some sort of registry is a must for every engaged couple, whether you want to go the traditional route or shake it up with a honeymoon, experiential, or hobby-based version. But after you add all the gifts to your wedding wishlist, how are you supposed to spread the news to your nearest and dearest without seeming too, 好, greedy? Like most wedding-related matters, the answer to this question comes with its own set of rules and etiquette. But with our little list of dos and don’ts, sharing your registry will be a piece of cake.

Do include information on your bridal shower invitations. Chances are, you’re not throwing your own shower, so having if the host adds a link or note to the invitation, it’s totally fine. While a bride or groom asking for gifts directly can be taken as a little rude, your mom, 姑媽, or bestie can feel free to spread the word on your behalf. 和, because bridal showers are actually all about the gift giving anyway (ribbon bouquets and hats have to be made from 某物, 畢竟), guests will want and need to know what you’d like to receive.

Don’t post a Facebook status with links to your registry. While this might make it easy for some people to find your registry, don’t forget that you (probably) haven’t invited every single one of your Facebook friends to your wedding. 加, it could cross the line into “greedy” territory. Posting a link to your wedding website — which should have easy-to-find registry links — is totally okay, 儘管, as is texting or emailing the info to interested parties. Just make the effort to say something like, “But please know that your presence at the wedding and kind words are more than enough!” to soften the request.

Do include a registry page on your wedding website. Probably the best thing about the new age invention of wedding websites is the opportunity to share your registry information without seeming all “gimme gimme.” Include links to the online stores so guests can access them easily and choose their gifts without too much of a hassle. Just be careful with the language you use to introduce your loved ones to the page: Try something like “If you wish to give a gift to the bride and groom…” to make sure your guests know that gift-giving is an option.

Do put your wedding website on your save the date. While you don’t necessarily have to say, “Hey, we’re registered at Target!” on the save the date, the announcement can be a good way to spread the word about your website. Everyone invited to the wedding (even if they can’t end up coming for the celebrations) will get that info and be able to figure out the details for themselves if they want to buy you something in honor of your nuptials.

Don’t put your registry info on your wedding invitation. Make sure to add in that wedding website somewhere on the invitation, but there should be no direct mention of gifts on your invitation at all — even if you’re requesting no presents. (And definitely do not ask for cash in place of gifts!) 記得, gifts are never to be required; putting information about gifts on the invite could send the wrong message to your guests and make them think that you’re expecting them to bring a present beyond their presence — not a cool or cute vibe to give off, even as a bride-to-be.

Do count on old-school word of mouth to spread the word. Back before wedding websites were a thing, guests learned about registries by asking the bride or groom’s family, VIPs, and attendants. And some traditions should never die — so be sure to share the details with your immediate family, 伴娘, and groomsmen, and let them know they can spread the word on your behalf.

—Kristin Doherty

Loverly is the heart of weddings: a visual inspiration search engine designed to help brides discover ideas, people to hire, and things to buy. Loverly makes finding beautiful wedding inspiration easier than ever! Their images are powered by the best wedding publishers and wedding shopping partners on the web. Find Bridal Guide on Loverly >>

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Cheat Sheet for Tipping Wedding Vendors

Cheat Sheet for Tipping Wedding Vendors

照片來源: Lyndsey Anne Photography

Here is a complete guide to which vendors you should tip (and how much!) on your wedding day.

If your contract doesn’t include gratuity, you should tip 15 至 20 percent of the total bill. Another way to tip is offering $50 至 $100 for each chef and $20 至 $50 per server.

Wedding planner:
Wedding planners won’t expect a tip, so this is optional based on service. If you were given a huge discount or the planner went far above and beyond their contracted services, offering a tip of 10 至 20 percent is a nice way of sayingthank youfor the efforts.

Photographer and videographer:
You’re not required to tip them if they own the studio. If they don’t, then giving them an extra $50 至 $200 is a nice gesture. If there are two or three shooters, giving a $50 至 $100 tip to each person (who doesn’t own the business) is optional.

Ceremony staff and reception staff:
It’s not mandatory to tip the ceremony staff, reception staff and delivery staff, but if you’d like to, then you can offer them $20-$50 each.

Often times officiants won’t accept tips, but a $100 donation to their church is a great way to thank them. If the officiant is non-denominational, consider giving them a $100 tip, especially if they aren’t charging for your service.

Hair and makeup artist:
一個 15 至 20 percent tip is expected, just like it would be for any other regular salon visit, but it isn’t required.

Band or DJ:
Offering a 10 至 15 percent tip is a nice gesture to your band or DJ, especially if they have to carry a lot of heavy equipment from one location to the next. For musicians, 一種 $25 至 $50 tip per band member is appropriate.

一個 15 percent tip is optional if it isn’t included in the contract.

The florist doesn’t expect a tip. 然而, if they do an outstanding job, you can consider giving them a 10 至 15 percent tip after services are rendered.

Keep this in mind:
Though tipping at weddings has become more of a custom in all service areas, it isn’t mandatory or even expected by most wedding pros. With the exception of the catering staff and possibly the venue, tips are considered a nice surprise by almost all vendors.

If you don’t have the money to shell out thousands more on tips, there are a few gestures that will go a long way with your team of wedding pros. Send an email with a review, a handwritten thank-you note or a review on Yelp or WeddingWire are great ways to show appreciation and offer something the vendor can use when booking future clients. 更妙, refer your vendors to your friends — this gesture will go much further than a cash tip!

加, learn how much to tip while traveling on your honeymoon.

—Allison Silber

Guest blogger: Allison Silber, founder and creative director for engagedandinspired.com. Engaged & Inspired is a wedding publication for crafty brides who strive to fill their wedding day with loads of personality. The team of real brides post about the highs and lows of wedding planning and what it takes to pull off their big day. Aside from running Engaged & Inspired, Allison also offers planning and design services to the Carmel Valley area.

Tipping is supposed to act as a reward, so you don’t need to consider it a mandatory expense. Tips are meant to be given for excellent service or for vendors who go above and beyond their contracted duties. Before dishing out gratuity, check your contracts. Some vendors, especially venues and catering companies, will include it in their contract to help eliminate confusion.

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