7 秋冬婚禮的複古天鵝絨請柬

天鵝絨 婚禮請柬 以其誘人的觸感和復古感成為新潮流 . 天鵝絨請柬的秘密可以為您的婚禮增添優雅和魅力,這已經不是什麼秘密了. 準備好被今年你會看到的一些最奢華、最復古的天鵝絨邀請函所震撼. 優雅的婚禮請柬 還為您的秋冬婚禮開發了幾張精緻的天鵝絨請柬. 讓我們檢查一下.

1. 平坦的 翠綠色天鵝絨 婚禮請柬

simple flat wedding invitations with emerald green velvet invitation backers

simple flat wedding invitations with emerald green velvet invitation backers and belly bands


2. 翠綠色激光切割天鵝絨 婚禮請柬

emerald green wedding colors and velvet invitations with a gold huevintage emerald green velvet laser cut wedding invitations411A7532

通過 借我的古董/新鮮事/百麗婚紗雜誌/荷葉邊博客/優雅的婚禮請柬


hunter green laser cut wedding invitations with vellum belly band and wax seal ewws307 greenery and botanical leaf pattern laser cut wedding invitations ewdm013 elegant greenery botanical wedding invite with gold mirror paper backer EWI464

3. 復古玫瑰金邀請卡與 酒紅色天鵝絨 激光切割口袋

rose gold wedding invitations with burgundy velvet laser cut pockets

vintage rose gold wedding invitations with burgundy velvet laser cut pockets

通過 愛植物區系/計劃我們的一天/婚禮前進/優雅的婚禮請柬

4. 豪華 酒紅色金箔天鵝絨 帶有像牙色激光切割口袋的邀請卡

Luxurious Burgundy Gold Foil Velvet Invitation Cards With Ivory Laser Cut Pockets

Burgundy Gold Foil Velvet Invitation Cards With Ivory Laser Cut Pockets

通過 婚禮小雞/ 薄紗和尚蒂伊/荷葉邊博客/優雅的婚禮請柬


The Modern Touch burgundy laser cut pocket fold with floral and geometric invitation EWDM004 burgundy laser cut pocket fold ewws267 6 1 burgundy laser cut with floral and glittery belly band and backer ewws273 6

5. 勃艮第和綠色花卉邀請卡 海軍藍天鵝絨 激光切割口袋

navy and burgundy wedding colors and velvet invitations

Burgundy and Green Floral Invitation Cards With Navy Blue Velvet Laser Cut Pockets

通過 愛我的裙子/別緻的複古新娘/小夜曲花/鹿珠花/優雅的婚禮請柬


classic customizable monogram blue wedding invitation ewws292 1 navy blue laser cut wedding invitations with glittery bottom cards and bands EWWS136 gold and navy that sparkles and shine foiling wedding invitation ewws272 2

6. 簡單的平面婚禮請柬 腮紅粉色天鵝絨 支持者

blush pink wedding colors and velvet invitations

Simple Flat Wedding Invitations with Blush Pink Velvet Backers

通過 羽箭事件/婚禮麻雀/潮水和薄紗/氣氛哈羅蓋特 & ñ. 約克斯/優雅的婚禮請柬


romantic blush pink spring flower glittery laser cut wedding invitation ewws201 romantic blush floral geometric rose pattern laser cut wedding invitations ewdm002 1 blush shimmer laser cut wrap with raised floral pattern invitation ewws241

7. 帶有像牙色激光切割口袋的現代黑金箔天鵝絨婚禮請柬

black gold wedding colors and velvet invitations

Mordern Black Gold Foil Velvet Wedding Invitations with Ivory Laser Cut Pockets Black Gold Foil Velvet Wedding Invitations with Ivory Laser Cut Pockets

通過 商店狂歡/蛋糕男爵夫人/紙恩典/圓點婚禮/優雅的婚禮請柬


modern black and gold laser cut wedding invitation with gold mirror customized belly band EWDK015 glam gold and black laser cut wedding invitation with glittery belly band ewws204 vintage slate grey intricate laser cut gate folded wedding invitation ewws207
