類別: The Blog


黑色領帶著裝要求, 沙漠中的現代裝飾, and a bridesmaid crew that just won the mismatched-maids trend game. COJ Events brought the couple’s dream Palm Springs day to life, while Maggie Jensen Floral & Event Design made a bold statement with babies breath. 我們很幸運, Natalie Bray Studios was behind the lens capturing every last [...]
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Classic Cool Canada Wedding Filled With Chic Details

A timeless white color palette, hints of gold, and a rustic mountain-inspired chalet are the makings of wedding magic. Meagan and Ty teamed up with Madeleine Miller to design and plan a day filled with cherished memories and incredibly chic touches. Lush white blooms mixed with greenery by Flowers By Janie created a garden-inspired atmosphere [...]
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對於這場馬里布婚禮, 愛來了一圈. 這對夫婦在馬鞍岩牧場交換了誓言, 聖莫尼卡山脈周圍, 他們在那裡慶祝愛情和對龍舌蘭酒的喜愛! 招待會以氣勢磅礴的方式拉開帷幕, 在我們見過的最漂亮的個性化小酒杯中加入龍舌蘭酒作為護送卡片展示. [...]
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曾經是葡萄牙國王和王后的住所, 這張在 Palácio de Queluz 拍攝的社論照片處處體現著優雅. 索菲亞·納西門托工作室計劃了一個值得公主新娘的一天, 奢華的金色細節和精彩的時尚時刻貫穿始終. 濃鬱的紫色和清爽的白色的極其浪漫的插花增添了 [...]
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