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類別: United States Weddings

真正的婚禮: 阿曼達 & 基督教

阿曼達和克里斯蒂安去年五月在芝加哥舉行了婚禮, 白細胞介素. 雖然他們原本的婚禮計劃因為疫情取消了, 代替, 他們決定結婚並在短時間內準備好一切. 他們在 Amanda 父母的後院舉行了婚禮,那是他們與家人和好友度過的美好時刻. 婚紗款式: RYLEIGH#CW2291 圖片來源: 流星照片 ; 婚紗款式: 瑞利 # CW2291問: 對未來夫人的任何建議或提示。? 優先排序! 如果你願意削減對你來說不那麼重要的事情的預算, 您將能夠負擔得起最重要的細節. 問: 你的婚禮主題背後的靈感是什麼? 由於 COVID-19, 我們取消了原來的計劃,決定在我父母的後院結婚,只有我們的直系親屬和一些親密的朋友在場. 問: 告訴我們你的愛情故事! 在哪裡 & 他是怎麼求婚的? 克里斯和我多年來一直是好朋友. 當他去菲律賓探親幾週後,我們意識到我們的關係變得多麼親密. 他不在的時候我們每天都在聊天, 分別意識到我們再也不想分開. 他回來後, 我們 [...]

帖子 真正的婚禮: 阿曼達 & 基督教 首先出現在 Cocomelody Mag.

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真正的婚禮: Alejandra & Roy

Alejandra and Roy had their woodland wedding last August in Idyllwild, 那. Wedding planning during the pandemic was definitely a challenge, but they got married in the forest, mother natures’ natural decoration make everything cohesive and perfect! Congratulations to this sweet couple and thanks for sharing all these beautiful moments and memories with us here! 婚紗款式: Ginger #LD5808 Photo Credit: ruthmariephotography ; 婚紗款式: 薑#LD5808 Q: 對未來夫人的任何建議或提示。? Wedding planning during the pandemic was definitely a challenge. I would encourage brides to remember it’s about you two that day and that already makes everything perfect. Enjoy the planning, enjoy each other and have fun! 問: 你的婚禮主題背後的靈感是什麼? We always wanted to get married in the forest, the vision was to make nature cohesive with us and that’s how we did it. The decoration was kept very natural and minimal to allow the natural element of the woods to be the main attraction. 問: 告訴我們你的愛情故事! 在哪裡 & 他是怎麼求婚的? Roy & I met on OkCupid, I had already 6 dates lined up! 然而, something told me he had to be my [...]

帖子 真正的婚禮: Alejandra & Roy 首先出現在 Cocomelody Mag.

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