
小月亮的崛起! 後月! 居家蜜月! 無論是 Covid-19 旅行限制還是預算不足, 傳統的, 婚後, 在現代蜜月規劃中,全包式度假村不再是常態.

蜜月很貴, 我們懂了! 雖然你可以 眾包你的蜜月資金 (找到我們的 最喜歡的平台在這裡) 有時婚禮帳單 & 其他意外開支仍然會妨礙立即計劃, 新婚之夜坐飛機去度蜜月.

但! 這並不意味著你不能擁有“蜜月期”. 新婚的幸福不只屬於度假的情侶. 我們都知道,只要有正確的氛圍 & 縱容, 事情也會變得同樣激烈 & 家裡熱氣騰騰. 你們正在互相結婚, 無論如何這應該會成為一種習慣!

所以無論您是否計劃晚月, 或完全取消蜜月計劃, 如果您缺乏蜜月預算,我們為您提供了一些浪漫的選擇. 在 Be Inspired PR 朋友的幫助下, 你會發現很棒的居家度假創意, 約會之夜, 和簡單的 & 以經濟實惠的方式對待您的新配偶, 不需要護照.


「傳統的蜜月並不總是可行的. 但這並不意味著您不能計劃一個幸福的周末假期! 拿起你最喜歡的一瓶香檳, 一件簡單的白色連身裙, 和你的新內衣出發! 如果您要去游泳池或海灘附近, 帶上 Bliss-On 的華麗白色新娘泳衣,提醒你的男朋友,一起度過一個白色的周末就是你所需要的。” – 凱特普拉特, 聯合創始人 & 設計師, Kat Platt 的 Bliss-On

Hire a professional photographer to capture fun memories!

“A great idea is to go to your favorite hangout spot and document your newlywed bliss with a couples photoshoot. Or if you’ve just moved in together, you can do a fun lifestyle photoshoot.” – Lisette Gatliff, Lisette OC Photography

照片 & Props by The Prop Dispensary

Nail down your registry and get excited about coming home post-wedding.

“Putting the final décor touches in your home with accessories is not only a great way to blend both of your design styles, but it’s also a great way to create a romantic experience at home to enjoy long after the big day. 將非傳統物品添加到您的註冊表中,您實際上會很高興第一次回家並將它們放在家裡. 這也有助於營造浪漫的氛圍並營造家中氣氛!

需要一些想法? 我們喜歡裝飾燭台來裝飾房子裡的任何房間. 選擇一雙能體現您的風格並增添優雅的鞋子, 錐形蠟燭有助於營造氣氛照明. 不同布料和尺寸的抱枕可打造奢華美感. 考慮分層放置枕頭,在臥室或客廳營造舒適的氛圍. 您還可以在家中的時尚相框中展示您婚禮上最喜歡的時刻. 從反映您風格的框架中挑選並將它們放在臥室的床頭櫃上或將它們掛在畫廊牆上. 享受其中的樂趣,並從中約會一兩個晚上!” – 西爾帕·亞德拉, 創始人, 角落+海灣


「租用你夢想中的汽車併計劃一次公路旅行! 無論是開車去您最喜歡的地點野餐還是去 B 區一日遊&B 幾個小時路程. 在忙碌的婚禮週末之後,開車出去享受一些美好時光。” - 傑米 & 斯蒂芬妮, 科德角慶祝活動


「無論你在哪裡結婚,都要規劃居家度假! 婚禮後延長一兩天的停留時間,以享受您結婚的地方. 即使離你住的地方不遠, do things that you have always wanted to do like tours, dine at new restaurants or go for a long walk in a new place!” – Jamie & 斯蒂芬妮, 科德角慶祝活動

拍攝者 Monotone Journal

Appreciate the time to get some rest and relaxation.

“If you can’t afford a traditional honeymoon after your wedding, I encourage couples to do a stay-cation at a local hotel for a night or 2 or a weekend getaway to somewhere nearby! Having some time to relax, decompress and just be together with your new partner is really important and special. You’ll appreciate the time to get some rest and relaxation and be with your partner without all the hustle and bustle of wedding plans and family and friends.” – Kari Dirksen – CEO + 首席策劃師, 羽箭事件

拍攝者 Kisterova

Take a tour in your nearest local city.

“Your honeymoon is about having a new experience together and there’s no reason you can’t have an adventure without booking a flight. I highly recommend taking a tour in your nearest local city. We always think about exploring the world, but have you ever joined a guided tour to learn about the history of your own neighborhood?

更妙, if you can swing it, splurge on a night or 2 in a hotel and make a weekend of it by adding dinner somewhere unique that you’ve never been (think trying something new like Moroccan, Peruvian or Vietnamese) or authentic cuisine from your dream destination (try some fancy French, Tuscan, or Thai).

If you’re a DIYer, you can even take a cooking class. Trying something new together is guaranteed to make forever memories. If you can’t swing a night away, consider bringing in a local chef to prepare a meal for you so you can truly sit back, relax and enjoy that expensive bottle of champagne your aunt gifted you when you got engaged!” – Carli Fernandez, founder, The Honeymoon Concierge

拍攝者 克萊爾伊麗莎

Try renting a van, RV, or sprinter bus.

“A honeymoon spent traveling and exploring new places does not mean having to hop on an expensive plane ride. Renting a van, RV, or sprinter bus is a great option to see new parts of the country without breaking the bank! Many national parks allow for affordable camping passes or overnight parking to keep hotel fees to a minimum. Road trips routes can also be completely customizable based on your travel time, 利益, or desired sightseeing locations. Have a family member or friend who was unable to make it to the wedding? Add them as a pitstop on the honeymoon tour!“- Ari Busch, 營運經理兼首席規劃師 新娘的幸福

Hit the spa.

“Nothing like a couple’s body scrub, massage & sauna to keep things steamy. Head to a nearby swanky spa and treat yourself to a sensuous day of pampering.

Look beyond the typical day spas. Maybe the luxury hotel in your town has a state-of-the-art spa? 要么, maybe you have a unique nature-infused wellness center nearby like hot springs or open-air saunas? (Thinking of all you spoiled spa-goers in Calistoga, 加利福尼亞州!) Find someplace ‘extra’ and go all out.

Follow up with a salon blowout or mani & pedi and take your new spouse out on the town. Guaranteed romance.” – Claire Eliza, Editor-in-Chief of 新娘沉思

拍攝者 Blake Nelson

Think amusement parks, historic hotels, food and wine tastings.

“We’re all about staycations and being creative! Most places have somewhere fun and enjoyable to drive to within a few hours’ radius. How about picking a long weekend and each one selects a fun activity? Luxury doesn’t always equate to memories. A honeymoon is all about taking some time away to enjoy each other and celebrate the start to a marriage. Think amusement parks, historic hotels, food and wine tastings or even an outdoor adventure like ziplining or kayaking.” – Valarie Falvey, 柯克布賴德斯

Book a day at the pool.

“Many luxury hotels offer their pool cabanas as day rentals, even if you’re not staying at the hotel. Book a day poolside, enjoy cocktails, ice buckets of rosé, poolside snacks and drink in that newlywed bliss.” – Claire Eliza, 《新娘沉思》主編


We love a lovely cottage in Joshua Tree!

“If you’re in Southern California, perhaps it’s doing a night or two at a lovely cottage in Joshua Tree, purchasing items to make a nice dinner and picnicking in the back yard or deck underneath the millions of stars. The night skies in Joshua Tree are unbelievable. Or pick a quaint town nearby and camp out for a night or two.”- Weddings by Susan Dunne

拍攝者 Explorerssaurus

Have a bit more honeymoon cash to spend? Find affordable honeymoon ideas in our 旅行 部分.

These tips were gathered by 受到啟發公關, a PR + Social Media Agency for wedding, wellness & lifestyle clients. 擁有超過 10+ 多年經驗, we’re here to take our clients to the next level! 在他們的網站上尋找大量時尚婚禮靈感 Instagram的 & Pinterest的.
