Kim Kardashian 布布膠帶文胸技巧真的很好

boob tape gaffer strapless bra in skin tone on brunette
This post about boob tape was originally published in November 2017.

大號ast month, I was in a family wedding (mostly as a child wrangler, but still). In some flush of optimism, I picked a strappy dress with a plunging neckline. The only issue is that I’m in the range of a D(+) cup, and after two pregnancies and two rounds of nursing, my boobs no longer defy gravity. But for some reason, even though I know better, I let myself be seduced by the idea that stick-on bras really work for busty ladies. (Spoiler alert: They don’t really, but boob tape just might. I gotcha covered… more details on that below.)

The week before the wedding, I kept looking at the stick-on bra box and feeling panicked. If it didn’t work at the last minute, THEN WHAT?

But I kept circling back to what happened when I was getting ready for prom. I’d bought the ’90s version of a stick-on bra, and even for my at-the-time B cup, they were a total last-minute fail, and I needed support. So with my theatre kid ingenuity, I dug up some Duct Tape and… Duct Taped my boobs. Old school boob tape, y’all. I feel like the story should end here, 和, “And I really don’t recommend it,” but it was more or less fine. Not sexy, very tin man, but fine.

So last month, I kept circling around this idea. Had someone finally made a more fashion appropriate—or at least in-a-variety-of-flesh-tones—version of this product? Was this idea totally bonkers? I work in a fashion adjacent industry, WHY DIDN’T I KNOW THE ANSWER?

我想說的是,我憑藉深入的谷歌搜尋技巧和造型師關係解決了這個問題. 但我沒有. 我透過從亞馬遜訂購一堆黏貼式胸罩和時尚膠帶解決了這個問題, 然後彈出一個螢幕,上面寫著, 「訂購這些東西的人還訂購了肉色 燈光師膠帶.」 一秒鐘之內, 我知道為什麼. (不僅僅是因為我是戲劇專業的學生,我用加夫膠帶將任意數量的電線粘在地板上並固定在 長釘 任意數量的階段。) Google快速搜尋 Gaffer 膠帶胸罩, 帶我了解“金卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 的布布膠帶技巧”,」我立刻就知道是時候了, 這將是我所有擔憂的答案. (我的意思是, Kim 因穿什麼都搖擺而臭名昭著, 無論她去哪裡。)

But as it turns out, while a few people have tested out the Gaffer Tape trick (and Buzzfeed has a great article demonstrating how it works on a variety of cup sizes—too bad the images are gone from that post, 現在), only Kim Kardashian was willing to show the world how it looked (and worked) on her actual boobs. 好, till now, because now it’s gonna be Kim and me on the Internet with boob tape bras… forever (and these images will stay, because we love you like that).

wearing Gaff Tape at the wedding (it worked like a charm), and y’all asking me to share more details, we whipped up a little test in the APW laboratories. 第一的, we tried out two of those stick-on bras (I would test more for you, but it became very clear it was pointless). 然後我們測試了 Gaffer Tape 的兩種不同的膠帶圖案: 一款適合深V露背連身裙, 以及一件無肩帶露背連身裙. 我們還測試了在 Gaffer Tape 顯示之前裙子的合身程度. 這是我們的結果.



因為我們是 科學家們 (胸部的), 我們必須從一個控制開始. 這是完全沒有胸部支撐的洋裝的樣子. 這件衣服的頂部拉得很寬, 腰部……嗯, 這不好.

粉紅色洋裝深V領口特寫簡而言之, 這不是我願意在公共場合外出的樣子. (儘管出於某種原因我很樂意將其在互聯網上永垂不朽, 為我們所有的胸部服務。)

Le Lusion 胸罩評論 (對於D+杯)

第一, the stick-on bras. I tried two styles: 的 Le Lusion bra, 和 deep U-plunge strapless backless bra. There are other varieties of stick-on bras, including the pull-together bra (Buzzfeed reviewed it on different cup sizes), and other bras that claim to be backless, 無肩帶, and push-up. I didn’t test them all, because I can tell you conclusively from the tests that I did, that for a D+ cup (and probably sizes below that), stick-on bras are many varieties of garbage. (Cosmo can give you a full rundown of all the awful sticky bras on a D cup if you’re into that sort of thing.)

But let’s start with the Le Lusion bra, which may be the single most unflattering thing I’ve ever put on my body.

4 images of woman upset in stick on bra and pink dress

What is this? Somebody, please explain. Instead of offering any support, Le Lusion 胸罩將我的胸部從身體上拉開, 把它們壓扁, 然後把它們拖到地板上. 而不是對抗重力, 他們幫助擺脫了重力. 加, 至少這個領口, 他們在側面展示. 也許這些適合較小的罩杯尺寸 (雖然坦白說, 我對此持保留意見), 但顯然它們不應該是為 C 罩杯或以上罩杯設計的.

在禮服中, 他們提供的支持總比沒有提供的多, 但也讓我的胸部看起來又尖又腫, 所以我不認為這是一場勝利.

判決: 確實是我穿在身上最不討喜的東西. 這些可能會死.

深 U 型無肩帶露背胸罩 REview (對於 D+ 杯)

接下來, 是個 deep U-plunge strapless backless bra.


與 Le Lusion 胸罩不同, 這不是我穿在身上最糟糕的東西, but it was still a short step away from useless.

collage of Strapless stick on bra failing under pink dress

In the five stationary minutes I spent in this bra, I spent 90 percent of my time thinking about how it felt like it was definitely about to peel off and that I was going to flash someone. And in the additional five ambulatory minutes I spent in them, they actually did start to slide off my body, in a way that felt alarming when I wasn’t out in public. It also showed on the side of the dress, 這是 much more obvious in person.

Did it offer some support? 是的. But given the fact that it seemed like it was going to remove itself from my body before I even tried to do anything (like say, 舞蹈), and it showed under my dress? I was not a fan.


This is better than no bra, if only marginally so. Even better would be not wearing a dress that necessitated a stick-on bra, that would consume most of my brain space with concerns about flashing a crowd.

簡而言之: Stick-on bras are not made for women with a lotta boob, full stop.

Gaffer boob Tape Bra Review (對於 D+ 杯)

接下來, 是個 Gaffer Tape bra. Not to spoil the plot here, but this hack is, 實際上, everything it’s cracked up to be. It also means that I can finally wear all those plunging and backless dresses that have been firmly on my no-list for twenty years. Here is how it works.

closeup of gaffer boob tape bra trick

How To Apply A Gaffer boob Tape Bra:

Cut strips of Gaffer Tape, and affix them to your body one at a time, using the tape to sculpt the bra (and cleavage) you want. Expect to get really handsy with yourself, moving your boobs around to get them exactly where you want them.

happy woman with gaffer tape lifting and separating D+ cups

While it’s wise to try to keep the Gaffer Tape smooth as you put it on, it’s never going to be completely smooth. So if you’re wearing a dress with less forgiving fabric, remember that you can put a few strips of tape on top to help smooth everything out. (You can also use less tape than I used here, depending on how much lift and security you’re going for.)

closeup of scissors cutting gaffer tape bra down to size

接下來, check your neckline, and then take scissors and trim the tape so that nothing shows. (Once the bra is sculpted, you can cut a shocking amount of the tape off and still have it work well.)

closeup of fashion tape being put on neckline of pink dress

最後, 使用 fashion tape. You probably don’t want anyone to see that you’ve covered your boobs with a product found at Home Depot, so use fashion tape to affix the dress to your skin to make sure it doesn’t move around.

closeup of pink neckline with boob tape bra under it


happy woman in long pink deep v dress

Answers To All Your Other Pressing Gaffer boob Tape Questions:

woman in deep v pink dress running fingers through brown hair

How Much Support Does It Offer? I’m a D+ Cup. 那說, Kim has a lot more boobs than me, and I can pretty much guarantee you that Bey’s post-kid boobs are not holding themselves up with #Slay power, so this trick works for those of us with way more than a handful.

sideview of strapless gaffer tape bra on brunette

What Necklines Can You Wear This With? We tested this out with two necklines: the backless deep V (you can also see me wearing it with a backless plunge V here), along with creating a strapless backless bra. Both worked shockingly well.

The surprises were that the tape is so strong that you don’t need to use over-the-shoulder support to get it to work. 除此之外, the backless strapless bra that I crafted felt more supportive (and frankly more comfortable) than my regular strapless.

woman's bare back with a small piece of tape showing

How Long Does It Stay In Place? Since I’d already worn a boob tape bra to a daylong wedding, I knew that without a doubt it would offer support and stay on even through sweat and dancing.

How Comfy Is It? A lot has been written on the Internet about how uncomfortable it is to wear Gaffer Tape on your boobs, and I think the hype is a little overblown. 再次, during a daylong event, I found it totally fine. But that said, it does feel like you’re wearing tape on your boobs. It does not, in any way, feel like slipping into an oversized t-shirt and watching Netflix. So if what you’re looking for is comfy and effortless, then for goodness sake pick a dress that allows you to wear a normal bra. I found it somewhat comforting to feel tape on my boobs all day because it let me know that I was still supported and not flashing anyone.

TL;DR: 一個 gaffer tape bra feels like the opposite of a stick-on bra. Instead of the feeling that the bra is falling off your body, 您感覺胸罩非常貼合您的身體. 但都在, 非常適合舉辦活動.

會傷害你的皮膚嗎? 我的皮膚比較敏感,為了拍這張照片,我一下午就貼了三次膠帶, 我的皮膚並沒有特別受到刺激. 感覺有點像是撕下不太黏的創可貼. 那說, 你正在把 GAFF 膠帶貼在你的胸部上, 所以如果你不想為時尚付出更多努力, 這不適合你.

如果我對黏合劑過敏,我應該嘗試這個嗎? 沒有. 請, 不. 事實上, 如果您知道自己有任何相關的過敏或敏感性, 首先進行補丁測試. (筆記: 我的皮膚通常比較敏感,沒有任何問題, 但我沒有任何特定的過敏症。)


它會透過你的衣服表現出來嗎? I tried this boob tape bra with this sleek Halston Heritage gown since it’s the kind of dress that likes to highlight every lump and bump on your body. While you could probably guess that I had something under the dress if you looked at my chest very closely (but why are you looking at my chest that closely?), no normal non-chest-starer would have noticed anything out of the ordinary. I wouldn’t use this (or any other) trick under silk or satin, 然而, since those fabrics show literally everything. And I would only use it under a darker colored and heavier scuba fabric.

woman in long silver dress with high slit


Would I wear this day-to-day, just to get a deep plunge blouse to work? Hell no. It’s industrial tape. On my boobs. But for an event, 只要你願意在衣服上多花點功夫 (或許, 坦白說, 習慣), 這個技巧是天賜之物. 二十年後, 我意識到我終於可以穿那些露背的衣服了, 無肩帶, 深V領口洋裝與上衣, 我就是這樣, 所以, 興奮的.

獎金? AF 很便宜. 與那些昂貴且毫無價值的黏貼式胸罩不同, 我的捲 Gaffer Tape 讓我付出了代價 $20, 它將讓我在接下來的十年中繼續享受膠帶的魔力 (或者直到我把它忘在飯店房間的某個地方).

所以, APW…你試過 Kim Kardashian Gaffer 的胸部膠帶胸罩技巧嗎? 告訴我們, 你怎麼樣? 你有沒有找到一款…咳…確實有效的黏貼式胸罩? 將其放入評論中, 也. 分享知識.
