28 迷人的花束 2022 冬季婚礼创意

冬天的天气可能会很可怕, 但这并不妨碍您举办一场愉快的婚礼. 冬天, 梦幻般的季节, 被白雪包围, 冷色和暖色的婚礼捧花一定会让你的婚礼锦上添花. 是最适合展现冬季婚礼特色的选择, 另一种是用强烈的色彩对比来衬托冬天的婚礼, 谱写冰与火之歌. 那么如何选择婚礼花束来营造这些氛围呢?? 优雅的婚礼请柬 四舍五入 22 下面美丽的婚礼花束为您提供灵感. 探索它!

1. 冰冷的婚礼花束为您带来灵感

白色的 & 蓝色婚礼花束

stunning winter wedding bouquets in white and blue hues

chilly white and blue bouquet ideas with eucalyptus for winter wedding

classic blue and white bouquet idea for 2022 winter wedding

照片来自 五彩纸屑杂志/白色花朵和绿色植物的婚礼请柬,带有尘土飞扬的蓝纸背衬和标签 ewis010/花百里欢乐丰富/婚礼狂热


elegant dusty blue laser cut warps with greenery monogram wedding invitation and belly band EWWS304 sky blue and glittery silver winter snowflake wedding invitations EWDS013 glittery silver and blue winter snowflake wedding invitations with pearl white buckles EWWS216 1

白色的 & 绿色婚礼花束

simple elegant white and green bouquets for winter wedding

chic intimate winter wedding bouquets with succulents

graceful green bouquet ideas for winter wedding

照片来自 婚礼人/亲爱的巴德索菲尔/铁 & 布拉格摄影/婚礼计划/魅力与优雅博客


elegant ivory laser cut wedding invitation with greenery pattern around framed wording EWDM015whispers of white elegant ivory and white flowers greenery laser cut wedding invites EWDS012evelyn’s garden lush greenery inspired invitation with ivory shimmer laser cut wrap EWDS001

白色的 & 紫色婚礼花束

ultimate purple and lavender bouquet ideas for 2022 winter wedding

elegant white and lavender winter wedding bouquet ideas

simple bouquets with white and lavender hues for winter wedding照片来自 凯尔西·克劳斯 (Kelsey Kloss) 和珍娜·米莱纳·瓦德尔 (Waddell)/婚礼小鸡/贝尔杂志/深浅不一的蓝色婚礼色彩理念


romantic lavender laser cut wedding invitations with grey ribbon bows EWWS124 romantic lavender laser cut wedding invitations with silver glitter paper backer EWDK017 vivid shades of purple watercolor floral laser cut pocket wedding invitations EWWS202

2. 温暖的婚礼花束为您带来灵感

白色的 & 红色婚礼花束

romantic winter wedding bouquets with roses and eucalyptus

burgundy and green winter wedding bouquet ideas

cabinet red and blush wedding bouquets for winter wedding照片来自 别致的复古新娘/鹿珠花/阿拉伯婚礼/婚礼狂热/卡西摩尔/西西里


burgundy laser cut pocket fold and burgundy floral wedding invitations with glittery belly band EWWS267 Blooms Around Every Turn Burgundy Laser Cut Pocket Fold invitation with victorian inspired floral EWWS243 grand entrance – burgundy laser cut wrap with classic invitation and glittery belly band EWWS237

白色的 & 铁锈婚礼花束

warm bonquet ideas with rust hues for winter wedding

glamorous ivory and rust bouquets for winter wedding

romantic rosy and rust winter wedding bouquets

照片来自 新娘/新新娘/克尔斯滕·阿什莱摄影/绿色婚鞋/谢泼德一家照片/珍妮的花

帖子 28 迷人的花束 2022 冬季婚礼创意 首先出现在 Elegantweddinginvites.com 博客.
