5 Ways to Feel Glowing and Confident on your Wedding Day

5 Ways to Feel Glowing and Confident on your Wedding Day

5 ways to feel lowing and confident on your wedding day. Your wedding day is a day to remember. You’ve invited those who are closest to you to share this amazing day. All eyes are on you, not to mention the cameraman too. It’s natural that you want to look and feel your best. Here are a few tips to get you feeling glowing and confident on your special day.

Be organized

It doesn’t matter if you’re catering for a party of 1000 or just 10. Chances are you still have way too many things to worry about. Avoid stress and get organized. There are a few options to consider, the first would be to hire a wedding planner, it will be their job to manage all the vendors and take care of everything. If you are handling all the planning yourself, keep a checklist and timeline so that it will be easier to keep track of everything that is going on. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. Your friends and family are there, assign tasks to your wedding party to alleviate some of the stress.

Take care of yourself

It is especially important to look after your mind and body in the weeks leading up to your big day. Take time to exercise, this will not only work off any wedding planning-related stress but that endorphin release will do your mental health wonders. Try to eat well, it all starts from within. In order to feel good, you also need to fuel your body with nutritious food. Whist we would never rule out any comfort foods, don’t overindulge on meals that get you feeling like a couch potato too often.

Comfort is key

Make sure to wear something that makes you feel amazing on your wedding day. Schedule fittings and check the fit and tailoring of your dress or suit. The last thing you want is to be wearing an outfit that is too tight, or ill-fitting. Another tip would be to bring a pair of comfortable flat shoes with you, if you have opted to wear heels.

Keep hydrated

It will no doubt be a hectic day. Between getting ready, greeting all the guests, and making sure everything is just right, you can get lost in the flurry of activity. You’ve worked hard to achieve the wedding day glow, so let’s make sure it’s here to stay. Dehydration will cause your skin to look tired and dull. Make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid coffee and alcohol until at least all the photos are taken.

Enjoy the moment and the little things

This wedding is for you and your future husband or wife. You’ve put in all this effort to celebrate with loved ones, so make sure to enjoy it. If you find yourself bustling from group to group making sure everyone is having fun, remove yourself, and steal a moment to take it all in. Sometimes it’s a combination of the little things that make the day perfect.

This day is to celebrate you and your soon-to-be spouse. Everyone is there to give you their best wishes, the atmosphere will be buzzing with warm and fuzzy feelings. Have fun and enjoy the day.


Thank you for reading our blog about 5 ways to feel lowing and confident on your wedding day  I hope you found the information useful.  If you need any wedding planning service please email me at [email protected] 

If you are looking for decorations for your wedding you can check out our wedding decoration store with lots of ideas.  www.thebigweddingstore.com

Thank you,

Alexandra Goodman | Owner Bespoke Experiences Weddings & Events
